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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Train from Rhodesia †Final Draft Essay Example
The Train from Rhodesia †Final Draft Paper Dissect the utilization of portrayal in The Train from Rhodesia Neediness, partiality, prejudice, and racial domination, are on the whole questionable themes that Nadine Gordimer, a famous South African essayist, addresses through her composition. Being a piece of the counter politically-sanctioned racial segregation development herself, her composing builds up a great deal of the difficulties that the local Afrikaans individuals experienced. The short-story, â€Å"The Train from Rhodesia†, is an ideal case of the way wherein Gordimer talks about questionable themes in her composition. All through the story, she expounds on the extraordinary differentiation between the white and the local Afrikaans individuals living in South Africa during the hour of the politically-sanctioned racial segregation. By perusing this short-story, perusers can increase a knowledge on the lives of the locals as opposed to the lives of the affluent white South Africans. By differentiating the white, the locals, just as the couple, Gordimer imparts her goal of un derlining the brutal real factors of the natives’ lives and their jobs in the public arena using the abstract strategy of portrayal. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Train from Rhodesia †Final Draft explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on The Train from Rhodesia †Final Draft explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on The Train from Rhodesia †Final Draft explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer By using the characters in the story, Gordimer can communicate how feeble in the public arena the locals are notwithstanding the seriousness of their day to day environments. In the start of the story when â€Å"the stationmaster’s shoeless youngsters [wander] over†(41) down to the track, they are alluded to as â€Å"picannins†(41). Not exclusively is alluding to the youngsters as picannins pejorative, yet the detail included by Gordimer that they are shoeless recommends their destitution and failure to get the minimum essentials to live adequately. As the passage advances, Gordimer composes how the sand â€Å"close[s] over the children’s dark feet delicately and without imprint†(41). The decision of the lingual authority used to outline the children’s feet as â€Å"black†accentuates that Gordimer is mightily attempting to pressure how filthy, along these lines poor, the locals truly are. What Gordimer likewise intentionally executes is the symbolism of the kids leaving no engraving in the sand. Interestingly, the picture made speaks to how weak and non-existent they are in this general public as they leave without an engraving in the sand. Thus, new characters are presented from the train and station to connote the defenselessness of the locals and show their astringent lives. Frantically attempting to sell their items, â€Å"all all over the length of the train in the residue the craftsmen [jump about], strolling bowed, such as performing animals†(42). In any case, the manner by which the specialists need to perform like creatures suggests that the locals are in extraordinary need of cash so as to endure. Once more, a derogative sign is made when they are alluded to as â€Å"animals†which places weight on their situation in the public arena. Seeing as the individuals that they are performing to are white, they need to go about just as they are lively in spite of the fact that actually they are starving and troubled. A case of the counterfeit joy is spoken to in the expression, â€Å"[t]he elderly person held it up to her grinning, not from the heart, yet at the customer.†(42) The elderly person i s simply one more local attempting to sell his items; be that as it may, he holds extraordinary pride in his work dissimilar to the next frantic locals who hold cash as their most prominent concern. Hence, this sentence highlights how hard the natives’ lives are as they need to make a decent attempt to get such a modest quantity of salary. Since they don't have the way to make due in the earth they live in, they are so vulnerable and depend on the white individuals for any desire for cash. Also, a considerable lot of the locals that are on the stage are small kids who state â€Å"give me penny†(42) when they don't have anything to sell. Their mistaken English shows that they are not taught which is the aftereffect of their impoverishment. Additionally, perusers feel more compassion and really consider the to be of local people as it has gotten to the meaningful part where even small kids are asking for some wellspring of cash to make due in their fruitless condition. Besides, Gordimer depicts the station master’s kids as â€Å"career[ing] over the sand, gripping the bread†¦through the nursery where nothing [grows]†(43). Since food is so scant for local people, Gordimer stresses the â€Å"clutching†of the bread to demonstrate exactly how defensive they are of the food they have. As the youngsters can't bear to lose the portions of bread as they live in â€Å"the garden in which nothing [grows]†, it shows how they live in an uncul tivable situation which indicates how much battle the locals experience. Moreover, the weakness of the locals is additionally underlined through the old man’s character. At the point when he deals with the woman and her better half, he alludes to the spouse as â€Å"baas†significance ace in the Afrikaans language. As the locals were sub-par compared to white individuals during this timespan, the elderly person calls him â€Å"baas,†demonstrating the commendation and good manners appeared to communicate the due regard for him. To effectively sell his items, the elderly person is required to put down himself to make realized that he is of a lower status. When the train starts to leave, â€Å"the shouts of the locals, running nearby, [jets] very high, [falling] back at various levels†(44). In this specific line, a solid picture is portrayed of the locals running with the train as a last trust in a trade of their items. Gordimer deliberately depicts the picture of the locals hurrying to compel the perusers to comprehend their fra nticness. Understanding that he gets no opportunity of selling his item at the cost he has set, the elderly person capitulates and says â€Å"Here, one-and-six baas!†(44). He at that point continues to â€Å"[fling] his lion†(44) to the man in the moving train despite the fact that, at first, the lion is so valuable to him. His pride in his work alongside his poise has been lessened thus, showing the absence of social force local people have. Likewise, after the trade has been made between the spouse and the elderly person, he â€Å"[stands], breath smothering the skin between his ribs, feet tense, adjusted in the sand, grinning and shaking his head†(44). The picture uncovered shows how dainty the elderly person is to where his ribs are jutting from his body. As perusers, there is a feeling of comprehension of how the lives of the locals are degenerate as they are malnourished and continuing on for endurance. The elderly person grins and shakes his head since he had the option to sell his item; yet, he has not increased a lot to endure which returns to the previous thought that white individuals are progressively well-to-do contrasted with the occupants. Be that as it may, notwithstanding the earnestness of his existence, the man opens his palm and acknowledges the minimal expenditure he gets. To close, the locals, including the elderly person, assume an incredible job in imparting Gordimer’s expectation, wh ich is to show the genuine challenges of the natives’ lives notwithstanding their absence of intensity in the politically-sanctioned racial segregation society. As opposed to the natives’ neediness and stifled position, Gordimer applies portrayal through the white characters to complement their power and more prominent riches in the public eye. In the story, when the elderly person comes to sell his items, the lady inclinations, â€Å"[n]o, no†(42) and inclines down towards him while she orders her hand to the lion. The manner in which she is inclining down to him and directing her hand shows that she is attesting her control over him as she is from a higher status. Indeed, even the situation of the lady being above him unequivocally demonstrates her status which is over his. Seeking after this further, the young lady disapproves of the elderly person and clarifies that it is â€Å"too costly, too much†as she â€Å"[shakes] her head and raise[s] her voice to [him]†(43). The perusers realize that the young lady has enough cash to follow through on the cost the elderly person is requesting; in this manner, it shows an extraordinary differentiation in her riches and his destitution. Similarly, the way wherein she raises her voice to him avows the power and control that she has over the vulnerable old local man. Additionally, the youthful woman’s spouse boisterously demands, â€Å"Three-and-six?†(43) as if he is very stunned with the significant expense of the lion. Despite the fact that he is equipped for getting it for its unique worth, he realizes he gets an opportunity to diminish the cost and pay for a lesser worth. Obtrusively, he attempts to deal with the man which again affirms the neediness and absence of intensity. As to the white individuals, it is clear that they are not worried about the prosperity of local people which puts accentuation on their evident reality. For example, in the story, â€Å"a young lady [collects] a bunch of the hard kind, that nobody like[s], out of the chocolate box, and throw[s] them to the dogs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (43). In spite of the fact that the white young lady is generally youthful, she is neglectful of the way that she is squandering valuable food that the locals would extraordinarily appreciate. Rather than giving the chocolate to the local youngsters or to the locals when all is said in done, she tosses them to the pooches. Through this selection, Gordimer is attempting to suggest that the occupants are dealt with equivalent to bring down life; in this manner, have a low status in the public arena. Another model is the point at which a man passing by the train sees the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How important has Hollywood been in influencing Chinese filmmaking Dissertation
How significant has Hollywood been in impacting Chinese filmmaking since the 1980s - Dissertation Example The filmmaking business is fit as a fiddle. In view of global incomes from films, filmmaking is commonly a profoundly gainful exchange. In the present period of globalization, the effect of the filmmaking business has additionally crossed fringes, with Hollywood movies affecting the universal film industry and nearby filmmaking ventures like China and India likewise affecting on the Hollywood filmmaking industry. Because of the proportional intrigue which has risen on filmmaking in various nations, explicit impacts have additionally developed on how movies are made when all is said in done. In the previous 50 years, the Chinese film industry has impacted Hollywood filmmaking, as far as plot lines just as activity groupings. In the previous scarcely any decades be that as it may, the Hollywood film industry has taken a turn in affecting and affecting on the Chinese filmmaking industry. ... Hollywood impact/sway on Chinese film industry The noteworthy mechanical advancement which the western world has brought into media outlets affected altogether on China (Zhu, 2003). The far reaching utilization of TVs in Chinese homes caused a considerably increasingly critical interest for such innovation (Zhu, 2003). Studios additionally observed the need to put resources into network shows, including dramas. The market for TV advertisements additionally developed with expanding co-creation forms made with different financial specialists. As the 1990s attracted to a nearby, the Chinese film industry turned out to be progressively differentiated. The fifth and 6th era movie producers were progressively occupied with financing creations which could be discharged in the worldwide setting (Zhang, 1999). The administration additionally kept on putting resources into principle tune films. The Chinese movie producers likewise found a market in lower spending films, for the most part in co medies and sentiments. TV programs likewise observed a sensational ascent in TV arrangement creations, differentiating the choices of movie producers not simply in significant endeavor films (Zhang, 1999). Progressively emotional changes likewise developed with the section of China to the World Trade Organization. Its enrollment into the WTO and its increasingly open market, China has looked to welcome more watchers into the cinemas with its element Chinese movies and Hollywood creations (Wheeler, 2012). About 70% of movies appeared in China are from Hollywood, making them a huge supporter of China’s artistic industry. Hollywood effect on China has additionally been obvious regarding the weight it has forced on the Chinese movie producers, generally as far as creating blockbusters which can enough contend with Hollywood movies (Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, 2004). The film by
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2015 February Freshmen Admits - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2015 February Freshmen Admits - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2015 February Freshmen Admits Late afternoon on Friday, February 27, we will be releasing a small wave of First Year admission offers. These admitted students, who are primarily Regular Decision (RD) applicants, are applicants who meet the criteria that UGA admissions used for Early Action (EA) admits. Just to stop any questions, there are no set EA criteria levels cut-points, as it is a review of the combination of grades, strength of curriculum and test scores, so please do not ask what the Early Action SAT/ACT, GPA or curriculum criteria is for this group. There will be a very small number of EA deferred students who are admitted in this round, mostly because of an increase in their academic standing (new test scores) or if the applicant was incomplete for Early Action, but is now complete and is admissible. We are not able to re-calculate GPAs on all deferred and RD applicants based on fall senior grades, as we do not have the manpower or time to do so (we had over 22,000 total freshman applicants this year), so that is why only a jump in SAT/ACT scores might impact a deferred applicants decision. We do though look closely at the fall grades during our read process, and we look at grade trends, high/low grades, and how a student did in their most challenging classes, especially in junior/senior years. Whenever we release these February decisions, we always get questions, ranging from Why didnt I hear to Does this mean that more decisions will roll out through the month of March and so on. The next group of decisions after this round will be in mid-late March, and these will be all the remaining freshman decisions. From now until mid-late March, our office will continue with reading, and reading, and reading more files. Please do not contact us and see if you can get your decision earlier, whether due to a vacation, another colleges schedule, a birthday gift for an applicant, etc., as we need to review all of the files before making final decisions. Generally, 1,800+ students have received an offer of admission in this round in the past (we only do admits during this round), and we will have a large number of students that we will be admitting in mid-late March as well. I do not have any estimate on how many students we will admit in March, as we have to review all the files, monitor deposits, cancellations, etc. before we can make these decisions. I do not have any specific academic data about this February group (GPA, SAT/ACT mid-ranges, etc.), but they should be fairly similar to the EA admitted group. I hope this answers a fair number of your questions. Go Dawgs!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Abstract Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
ABSTRACT Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology Based on the Perception of 2nd Year BSAMT Students in PATTS College of Aeronautics Gabriel Anselmo Renz Bautista Adrian Borja Wilfredo Buhayo III Gino De Jesus Patrick Domingo Statement of the Problem This study sought to identify the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology based on the perception of 2nd year BSAMT students. Specifically it answers the following questions 1. What are the reasons of the students in using modern technology? 2. What are the effects of using modern technology in the learning of students? 3. How can the students maximize the use of technology in learning? Research Design The design of this study is a survey method which†¦show more content†¦10. Respondents answered neither agree nor disagree in taking notes by using camera, it will be difficult to remember and understand the topic discussed. Agree because they will just lean to their picture notes therefore not reading or even studying it. Disagree because with their notes they can study them on their phones. 11. Using laptops and projectors in class make learning more efficient is neither agree nor disagree. Agree because they can use laptops to help them in their studying habits, disagree because they tend to use notebooks and just prefer to listen to their instructors. Conclusions Based on the respondents answer and the researchers findings and interpretations. The researchers has derived conclusions that would give clarity to what this thesis is seeking to answer. 1. The reasons why students use modern technology in learning because it helps them in their studying habits and even doing their homework with ease. It also is a tool in the classroom through projectors which also helps the instructors deliver their lessons clearly. Through the internet we can research information obtained from google understanding things more gaining more ideas. 2. The effects of using modern technology in learning of the students have its good and bad sides. Good because the research time span for researching will decrease and it can help in finding more information in a shortShow MoreRelatedCell Phones, Pagers And The Pda1267 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract The recent advancements in the technology have made the coupling of the powerful processors along with the memory system very easy with the wireless communications and also high resolution based display to the wrist watch. This incorporation of the new technologies to the wrist watch has led to development of the smart watch technology. This smart watch has been specified in the name of wearable computer. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Simple Essay Example
Writing an essay is one of the most common tasks assigned during both lower and higher education courses; therefore, one would find a simple essay example to be a tool of exceptional usefulness. While writing a simple essay may not seem like a difficult task from the first glimpse, it nevertheless requires a certain amount of commons sense and creativity. A simple essay should aim to inform the reader about a certain event, theme, or object, in a laconic, as well as informative, manner. The simple essay example is bound to reveal the difficulties and peculiarities that the author may experience when writing such task. The first aspect that the author should consider is that, while writing for an educational task, an academic essay has to follow strict rules of formatting and citations. The resulting document should resemble the standards of the school it is applied to, such as MLA, APA, Chicago, and others. This includes the references list if any outside sources were used for the essay: plagiarism under no circumstances should be allowed. First of all, the author should choose a topic that is relative to the materials discussed in class. With the topic at hand, the author should decide on the title. It should be short and resemble the main idea of the essay. Regardless of the topic and title, while writing the actual essay, the writer should use a standard three-part form: an introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction should feature background information about the topic and end with a well-defined thesis statement. The body should include a collection of main ideas and findings. The conclusion should summarize the findings of the essay and its purpose. A simple essay example written in the aforementioned three-part scheme is provided bellow. Globalization Trends in Business Modern business trends have changed rapidly under the influence of globalization in the recent decades. In the era of information technologies and accessible means of swift transportation, companies and products appear and fade out in a rapid sequence of consumerism. Consumers today are not limited to their local businesses, which creates a number of business trends to which the world companies have to adapt to in order to maintain competitiveness. The main driver of innovation in the business of today is Internet. The wide accessibility of communication technologies has caused E-commerce to become one of the most common distribution approaches, alongside with retail consumerism. Customers today have the ability to order any product from all over the world. They are free to choose from a variety of goods and prices, raising the competitiveness of any business to the global scale by default. As a result, any company that wishes to survive in the contemporary market has to recognize and consider all global trends such as e-commerce and environmentalism. In conclusion, the approaches to business are frequently changing, and globalization is one of the main factors that fuel such change. The area or production and target destination of a product is no longer as relevant as it was a few decades ago. Consumers of today are willing to order from the other side of the world as long as the company-supplier facilitates a number of their requirements and follows modern consumer trends.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Well Paid Receptionist Free Essays
The Well Paid Receptionist Values, Attitudes and Work Behaviour from Johns, G. Saks, A. M. We will write a custom essay sample on The Well Paid Receptionist or any similar topic only for you Order Now (2010). Organizational Behaviour. Pearson Education: Toronto. Case Study The Well-Paid Receptionist Harvey Finley did a quick double take when he caught a glimpse of the figure representing Ms. Brannen’s salary on the year-end printout. A hurried call to payroll confirmed it. Yes, his receptionist had been paid $127 614. 21 for her services last year. As he sat in stunned silence, he had the sudden realization that since his firm was doing so well this year, she would earn at least 10 to 15 percent more money during the current fiscal year. This was a shock, indeed. Background Harvey began his career as a service technician for a major manufacturer of copy machines. He received rather extensive technical training, but his duties were limited to performing routine, on-site maintenance and service for customer. After a year’s experience as a service technician, he asked for and received a promotion to sales representative. In this capacity, he established many favourable contacts in the business community of Troupville and the surrounding towns. He began to think seriously about capitalizing on his success by opening his own business. Then, seven years ago, he decided to take the plunge and start his own firm. He was tired of selling for someone else. When he mentioned his plan to his friends, they all expressed serious doubts; Troupville, a city of approximately 35 000 people located in the Deep South, had just begun to recover from a severe recession. The painful memories of the layoffs, bankruptcies, and plummeting real estate values were too recent and vivid to be forgotten. Undeterred by the skeptics, Harvey was optimistic the Troupville’s slow recovery would soon become a boom. Even though his firm would certainly have to be started on a shoestring, Harvey thought his sales experience and technical competence would enable him to survive what was sure to be a difficult beginning. He was nervous but excited when he signed the lease on the first little building. A lifelong dream was either about to be realized or dashed forever. Troupville Business Systems was born. While he has managed to borrow rent, lease, or subcontract for almost everything that was absolutely necessary, he did need one employee immediately. Of course, he hoped the business would expand rapidly and that he would soon have a complete and competent staff. But until he could be sure that some revenue would be generated, he thought he could get by with one person who would be a combination receptionist/secretary and general assistant. The typical salary for such a position in the area was about $30 000 per year; for Harvey, this was a major expense. Nevertheless, he places what he thought was a well-worked ad in the â€Å"Help Wanted†section of the local newspaper. There were five applicants, four of whom just did not seem quite right for the position he envisioned. The fifth applicant, Ms. Cathy Brannen, was absolutely captivating. Ms. Brannen was 27 years old with one child. Her resume showed that she had graduated from a two-year office administration program at a state university. She had worked for only two employers following graduation, one from five years and the most recent for two years. Since returning to her hometown of Troupville two months ago, following her divorce, she had not been able to find suitable employment. From the moment she sat down for the interview, Harvey and Ms. Brannen seemed to be exactly the same wavelength. She was very articulate, obviously quite bright, and most importantly, very enthusiastic about assisting with the start-up of the new venture. She seemed to be exactly the sort of person Harvey had envisioned when he first begun to think seriously about taking the plunge. He resisted the temptation to offer her the job on the spot, but ended the hour-long interview by telling her that he would check her references and contact her again very soon. Telephone calls to her two former employers convinced Harvey that he had actually underestimated Ms. Brannen’s suitability for the position. Each one said without equivocation that she was the best employee he had ever had in any position. Both former employers concluded the conversation by saying they would rehire her in a minute if she were still available. The only bit of disturbing information gleaned from these two calls was the fact that her annual salary had risen to $32 900 in her last job. Although Harvey thought that the cost of living was probably a bit higher in Houston, where she had last worked, he was not sure she would react favourably to the $30 000 offer he was planning to make. However, he was determined that, somehow, Cathy Brannen would be his first employee. Ms. Brannen seemed quite pleased when Harvey telephoned her at home that same evening. She said she would be delighted to meet him at the office the next morning to discuss the position more fully. Cathy Brannen was obviously very enthusiastic about the job as outlined in the morning. She asked all the right questions, responded quickly and articulately to every query posed to her, and seemed ready to accept the position even before the offer was extended. When Harvey finally got around to mentioning the salary, there was a slight change in Cathy’s eager expression. She stiffened. Since Harvey realized that salary might be a problem, he decided to offer Cathy an incentive of sorts in addition to the $30 000 annual salary. He told her that he realized his salary offer was lower than the amount she has earned on her last job. And he told her he understood that a definite disadvantage of working for a new firm was the complete absence of financial security. Although he was extremely reluctant to guarantee a larger salary because of his own uncertainty regarding the future, he offered her a sales override in the amount of two percent of sales. He explained that she would largely determine the success or failure of the firm. She needed to represent the firm in the finest possible manner to potential customers who telephoned and to those who walked in the front door. For this reason, the sales override seemed to be an appropriate addition to her straight salary. It would provide her with incentive to take an active interest in the firm. Cathy accepted the offer immediately. Even though she was expecting a salary offer of $32 500, she hoped the sales override might make up the difference. Who knows,†she thought, â€Å"two percent of sales may amount to big money someday. †It did not, however, seem very likely at the time. Troupville Business Systems began as a very small distributor of copy machines. The original business plan was just to sell copy machines and provide routine, on-site service. More extensive on-site service and repairs requiring that a machine be removed from a customer’s premises were to be provided by a regional distributor located in a major city approximately 100 miles from Troupville. Troupville Business Systems did well from the start. Several important changes were made in the services the firm offered during the first year. Harvey soon found that there was a greater demand for the leasing of copy machines, particularly the large expensive models that he originally planned to sell. He also soon discovered that his customers wanted to be able to contract directly with his firm for all their service needs. Merely guaranteeing that he could get the machines serviced was not sufficient in the eyes of potential customers. In attempting to accommodate the market, he developed a complete service facility and began to offer leasing options on all models. These changes in the business all occurred during the first year. Growth during that year was steady, but not spectacular. While sales continued to grow steadily the second year, it was early in the third year that Harvey made what turned out to be his best decision. He entered the computer business. Harvey had purchased a personal computer soon after Troupville Business Systems was founded. The machine and its capabilities fascinated him, although he knew virtually nothing about computers. He was soon a member of a local users club, was subscribing to all the magazines, and was taking evening computer courses at the local university- in short, he became a computer buff. Harvey recognized the business potential of the rapidly growing personal computer market, but he did not believe that his original business was sufficiently stable to introduce a new product line just yet. During his third year of operations, he decided the time was right to enter the computer business. He added to his product line a number of personal computers popular with a small business in the area. This key decision caused a virtual explosion in the growth of his firm. Several key positions were added, including that of a comptroller. By the fourth year of operations, computers produced by several other manufacturers had been added to Harvey’s product line, and he had developed the capability of providing complete service for all products carried. His computer enterprise was not limited to business customers, because he quickly developed a significant walk-in retail trade. Rapid growth continued unabated. During the first seven years of the company’s existence, Cathy Brannen had proven truly indispensable. Her performance exceeded Harvey’s highest expectations. Although her official position remained that of secretary/receptionist, she took it on herself to learn about each new product or service. During the early years, Harvey often thought that she did a better job than he did whenever a potential customer called in his absence. Even after he acquired a qualified sales staff, Harvey had no concerns when Cathy had to field questions from a potential customer because a regular salesperson was not available. The customer never realized that the professional young lady capably handling all inquiries was â€Å"only†the receptionist. Cathy began performing fewer sales functions because of the increased number of professional salespersons, but her secretarial duties had expanded tremendously. She was still Harvey’s secretary, and she continued to answer virtually every telephone call coming into the business. Since her office was in an open area, she still was the first to greet many visitors. Cathy took a word-processing course at a local business school shortly after joining the firm. As she began working with Harvey’s first personal computer, she, too developed into a computer aficionado and became the best computer operator in the firm. The Current Situation Harvey was shaken by the realization that Cathy Brannen had been paid over $127 000 last year. As he wondered what, if anything, should be done about her earnings, he began to reflect on the previous seven years. Success had come almost overnight. It seemed as though Troupville Business Systems could do nothing wrong. The workforce had grown at a rate of approximately 15 percent per year since the third year of operations. Seventeen people were now employed by the firm. While Harvey’s dad acknowledged that some of this success was due to being in the right place at the right time, he also had reason to be proud of the choices he had made. Time had proven that all his major decisions had been correct. He also could not overestimate Cathy’s contribution to the success of the firm. Yes, certainly, one of the most important days in the life of the firm was the day when Cathy responded to his ad in the newspaper. Success had brought with it the ever-increasing demands on his time. He had never worked so hard, but the rewards were certainly forthcoming. First, there was the new Jaguar, then the new home on Country Club Drive, the vacation home on the coast, the European trips†¦Yes, success was wonderful. During these years Cathy, too, had prospered. Harvey had not thought much about it, but he did remember making a joking comment the first day she drove her new Mercedes to work. He also remembered commenting on her mink coat at the company banquet last December, Cathy had been dazzling. Now that Harvey realized what he was paying Cathy, he was greatly disturbed. She was making almost twice as much money as anyone else in the firm with the exception of himself. The best salesman had earned an amount in the low nineties last year. His top managers were paid salaries ranging from the high sixties to the mid-seventies. The average salary in the area for executive secretaries was no probably between $30 000 and $35 000 per year. A good receptionist could be hired for under $28 000, and yet Cathy had been paid $127 614. 21 last year. The sales override had certainly enabled Cathy o share in the firm’s success. Yes, indeed. As Harvey thought more and more about the situation, he kept returning to the same conclusion. He felt something had to be done about her compensation. It was just too far out of line with other salaries in the firm. Although Harvey was drawing over $200 000 per year in salary and had built an equity in the business of more than $1 million, these facts did not seem relevant as he pondered what to do. It seemed likely that a number of other employees did know about Cathy’s compensation level. Harvey wondered why no one ever mentioned it. Even the comptroller never mentioned Cathy’s compensation. This did seem quite odd to Harvey, as the comptroller, Frank Bain, knew that Harvey did not even attempt to keep up with the financial details. He relied on Frank to bring important matters to his attention. With no idea of how to approach this problem, Harvey decided to begin by making a list of alternatives. He got out a piece of paper and, as he stared at the blank lines, overheard Cathy’s cheerful exchange with a customer in the next room. How to cite The Well Paid Receptionist, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Homeless Citizens Essay Example For Students
Homeless Citizens? Essay Homeless citizens are often considered a burden, more over, societys burden. The down-and-out seem, to the average citizen, to be habitually on drugs, or prone to violent behaviour. Should it not be our responsibility to help those who can not help themselves? That is just it, some of the impoverished are living under such appalling conditions that they can not pick themselves up onto their own strength. I have a few questions that I would like the average person to think about regarding the homeless: Why are they on the streets? What can they do about it? Is this societys dilemma and should society lend a selfless helping hand to clean up the streets? These are just a few questions that I will attempt to give my opinion on and if one does not agree that they may, without prejudice, hear what I have to say. I hope that one would honestly take to heart the value of a human life. People all have a living, breathing soul in need of some sort of fire in order to kick-start their life back together. A man without a home is lost. To wander the streets with no hope is possibly one of the loneliest situations to be in. There are many reasons why a man is homeless. I was chatting with a homeless man once, he told me one of the main reasons he was on the street was due to cocaine use. He lost his family, job and everything he owned due to cocaine. The man did not go into detail about how he became addicted to the drug, or how long he had been on the streets, but just listening to this poor soul talk was depressing. According to him, he hated cocaine, but he could not kick the habit. Selling everything for the next hit is horrible. He never told me his name, but I could see in his eyes a lack of will to live. In his mind, life from that point in time was hopeless. That brief conversation was a totally spontaneous occurrence of a man trying to get some change; I lied and said that I did not have change on me. I could not trust him, I did not want him to use the money for cocaine. That is one reason why this human being and many others are living poorly. The poverty rate is extremely high in the United States: In 2000, 11.3% of the U.S. population, or 31. 1 million people, lived in poverty (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001). While the number of poor people has decreased a bit in recent years, the number of people living in extreme poverty has increased. In 2000, 39% of all people living in poverty had incomes of less than half the poverty level. This statistic remains unchanged from the 1999 level. Forty percent of persons living in poverty are children; in fact, the 2000 poverty rate of 16.2% for children is significantly higher than the poverty rate for any other age group. (NCH Fact Sheet) A significant amount of those people are living on the streets. Sometimes a mother will abandon her children in the streets due to the fact that she will either have to pay for her kids or alcohol, and she chooses the latter. The sad reality is that some people are forced to live without a home due violence or abuse in the home. There many reasons for being homeless, but most of them seem to have a correlation between violence and drug abuse. A good amount of the normal people with houses would say that the impoverished did something to get there and that they deserve to be destitute; that may be true to an extent, but what can a homeless person do to get off the streets? To get off the streets, a homeless person can do nothing at all on there own strength. As mentioned before, the man with the cocaine addiction told me that he did not want to be on cocaine, but he is so deeply addicted that it would be impossible on his own strength to save himself. I felt helpless as he sat there. I am not familiar .
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